A smile as big as the Montana Moon

One afternoon an HPD officer called and asked Good Sam’s team to go check on a particular gentleman living under the walking bridge close to Exploration Works. When we found this gentleman, he was wet, and so cold he could not move. He really was freezing to death!  Wet, freezing and in pain from frostbite, our team loaded him up and took him straight to GSM Thrift Store for warm clothes as well as food to get through the first night. Instead of putting back outside, he was taken to a hotel to start his journey back to health and society…and this is when the work began. The teamwork for this very vulnerable individual in our community.

Good Samaritan was given an electric wheelchair for someone in need; we gave it to this man who had lost part of a finger from the spokes in his manual wheelchair.   Thank you to the donor, it found a home and made someone very happy. This man had frostbite so bad on his hands that he could not grasp things. He has such severe frostbite he had multiple treatments a week scraping off the frostbite from skin. And he does it with a smile on his face, happy to be alive, and grateful for the help.

This man, as we got to know him, is the kindest, sweetest most amazing guy you could ever meet. How in the world had things slipped so bad to put him in this situation with nowhere to turn, nowhere to go, and no known family or friends to help? We ALL jumped in for his different needs and blended together for his progress.  We all went to work for him! One of our team members continued getting food for him and transporting him to medical appointments for serious conditions. He was a victim of his social security money being continuously stolen, together he and staff worked on getting a new payee so he could actually see his own money. Every single one of our team members came together to work with him on different needs. He was so thankful and happy to work with the Good Sam team, a smile on his face, happy to be alive, and grateful for the help.

This is the reason we do what we do, we strive to make the lives of those who cross our paths better. They are worth it, and they certainly deserve it! And you, our donors help us make these changes in everyday lives.

The smile on his face will shatter your heart. It was so wide, full, and beautiful, just like a Montana moon! These acts of kindness still exist today. Changing lives for the better is something neighbors helping neighbors can do. 

Home is Where the Heart is

There was a lady… with two young sons… who needed help with getting into a home after being homeless for months. She had a good paying job but also had debt that she was working on getting cleared up. She had saved enough for rent but really could not come up with the deposit in time for this rental. She came into GSM requesting help. After interviewing her she applied for the Hunthausen program for deposit support.  The Hunthausen Fund is unique in serving the working population with a half loan – no interest, half grant funds up to $1000.00. She has one year to repay half of the total deposit back. This is to help people with a hand up not a total hand out. She made a few payments then came in to pay the remaining off. The look of relief at not being homeless any longer is tremendous. There is so much gratitude and happiness. I wish everyone who helps donate to this cause could witness this relief. The boys now have a home to grow up in and be in a safe environment, the mother is not so stressed about not being able to provide for her children how she wants, their lives have improved tenfold!! The gratitude when the last payment is made, the simple responsibility of paying it off makes these clients feel as if they themselves have invested in this entire process. It feels like it is theirs and they are proud of this achievement.

Thank you, donors, it is because of you we can provide The Hunthausen Fund and continue the work of Archbishop Hunthuasen, Fr. Jack and Sister Edna for all to have a home.

Health and Safety Update for the Ridership of Capital Transit/City of Helena Bus Service’s

The City of Helena/Capital Transit resumed service on Capital Transit’s Red and Blue fixed-route buses on Monday, June 1. This change in service coincides with the Governor’s order moving the State to Phase 2 of the State of Montana COVID-19 Recovery Plan. Please find details and requirements for Capital Transit services below.


Everyone deserves a good life


A young lady came to Our Place in need of help, this young lady has struggled with mental health and drug addiction since she was 11 years old. This young lady is making serious decisions with her life, she is six months pregnant and plans on giving the baby up for adoption, she has decided her sobriety is critical for survival. The next struggles are conquering homelessness, and to retain employment.

How do you manage in the world, you do not!

This is where you, our donor comes into changing lives.

The day we met she had been “clean for 60 days” but the struggle and torment to refuse drugs was excruciating as was her mental health.  We connected her with Marvin Coleman, our case manager. He gave her time for her future…help with a resume, job applications, transportation, referral to housing, a food stamp application, Medicaid which were all approved the same day.  He moved mountains for her that day.


He then helped her with a Permanent Supportive Housing Voucher application, she was approved and found a home within two weeks, and a job! Staff worked with her for the sustainability of her home and job that both are in walking distance.


120 days off all street drugs, participating in Narcotics Anonymous, established medical care with an OBGYN, and mental health treatment. She stays in contact with her support system at Our Place on a weekly basis.

We are so proud of this young woman and her life today, but her success is because of you and the fact that you care! 

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