our mission statemenT

Who We Are
United Way Spotlight: Good Samaritan Ministries St. Francis Dinner
Good Samaritan Ministries provides stability to Helena area community members by creating a network of care and connecting individuals and families to resources to help create stability in their lives. Our partnerships with other area nonprofits, the homeless shelters, and the Helena Police Department help us meet the day-to-day needs of individuals in our community.
While founded in Catholic teachings, people of all faiths, genders, races, and orientations are welcome at Good Samaritan Ministries. We help those in crisis by providing a hand-up, not a hand-out. In addition to our Assistance Ministry (hyperlink to Assistance Ministry page), we also operate the Good Samaritan Ministries Thrift Store (hyperlink to About Our Thrift Store page) which provides community members with employment, recycling, and volunteer opportunities.
Good Samaritan Ministries serves as the social justice arm of the Diocese of Helena and Helena’s four Catholic parishes: Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Community, St. Mary Catholic Community, Ss. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Parish, and Cathedral of St. Helena Parish.
We have been serving Helena and its surrounding community members for over 30 years. Since our inception, we have contributed over $25M to community members in need.
Often confused, the Good Samaritan Ministries Thrift Store and the Assistance Ministry are separate programs with separate revenue streams. The thrift store is responsible for the following: the mortgage, insurances, taxes, salaries of 41 full and part-time employees-to include full benefits, all upkeep, and maintenance of the building. A percentage of the thrift store’s net income is tithed quarterly to the Assistance Ministry. When possible, the remainder of the Assistance Ministry is funded through private donations and grants.
Good Samaritan ministries services are based on social justice teachings
1) Dignity of the Human Person
2) Common Good and Community
3) Option for the Poor
4) Rights and Responsibilities
5) Role of Government and Subsidiarity
6) Economic Justice
7) Stewardship of God’s Creation
8) Promotion of Peace and Disarmament
9) Participation
10) Global Solidarity and Development
Our store pays the majority of administrative costs so that the bulk of your donation goes to direct services.
2021-2022 Fiscal Year Grants and Awards Received
- ESG (Emergency Solutions Grant) A passthrough grant from Rocky Mountain Development Council
- EFSP (Emergency Food and Shelter Grant) A Pass through from FEMA
- County of Lewis and Clark AMDD Reimbursable Grant for Our Place
- City and County Reimbursable Grant for the Housing Navigator
- United Way Housing Navigator Impact Funds
- CDBG (Community Development Block Grant)
- Foundation for the Diocese
- Helena Area Community Foundation
- Treacy Foundation
- Gianforte Family Foundation
- Cross Charitable Foundation
- OD2A Mini Grant
- Northwestern Energy Charitable Giving Foundation
- Winner of HELENA Independent Record Best Thrift Store 2007 to 2022
- Ash Grove Cement Company
- Sunderland Foundation
ACE Grant (Montana State Fund)